Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Eggs

Here's my little kitchen creation for the day. Sadly, for some reason I have yet to purchase paprika. I could have sworn I'd bought it long ago. Anyway, try to envision the eggs with the orange sprinkling of the seasoning. The free-range eggs were purchased yesterday at the Rochester Public Market, from a vender by the name of Old Home Farms. The recipe was a slight variation of this one. Though the addition of a few teaspoons of lemon juice is key! And I used a trick I learned last summer from a coworker: instead of halving the eggs lengthwise, I halved them at the width, but used a knife to take a sliver off the pointy ends of the egg. Then they stand up on their own, which is a nice little variation to the basic deviled egg.

Happy Easter! May your day be spent with family, friends and delicious food!

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